

Leaves and Flowers
by DaySounds, copyright 2016

Flowers and leaves
come and go.
Colorful and soft,
They cheer heart and soul.

When they die,
part of us dies,
nutrients and sustainment
they provide
for those who
are still

The snow comes;
everything turns
black and white.

Who doesn't enjoy
the view of a spring
or summer flower?
Touch the soft petals,
smell its fragrance?

Nice and green,
Leaves emerge--
to beautiful children
Life has given birth.

Queens of flowers,
roses turn ugly
when they are
Petals turn wrinkly,
the colors, dark,
the smell, putrid,
the texture

They are avoided,
thrown away
in disgust.

When, on the other hand,
the green of the leaves
turns yellow, orange, red,
We travel a long distance
to see
and be close
to them.

So it is with us, people.
May our getting old
and dying
be as beautiful,
or more,
than our living.
May our getting old
and dying
bring joy, love, hope
to the living,
to those who
are still

Written and Published by DaySounds
copyright 2016
PO Box 746497
Arvada, CO 80006 



Please visit www.daysounds.org 
Daysounds: Federal Government Trade Mark Granted December 24, 2002

Updated Octobet 16, 2016