
The Stranger
The Stranger p2
Bloom page 2
Sayings and Proverbs
Nails on the Door
Adeste Fideles

Nails on the Door
Clavos en la Puerta
--from Costa Rica by an anonymous contributor

"Esta es la historia de un muchachito que tenia muy mal caracter. Su padre le dio una bolsa de clavos y le dijo que cada vez que perdiera la paciencia, deberia clavar un clavo detras de la puerta.

"This is the story of a boy who had a very bad character. His father gave him a bag with nails, and told him to hammer one nail on the back of the door every single time that he lost his temper.

"El primer dia, el muchacho clavo 37 clavos detras de la puerta. Las semanas que siguieron, a medida que el aprendia a controlar su genio,clavaba cada vez menos clavos detras de la puerta. Descubrio que era mas facil controlar su genio que clavar clavos detras de la puerta. Llego el dia en que pudo controlar su caracter durante todo el dia.

"The first day, the boy hammered 37 nails on the back of the door. During the weeks that followed, as he was learning to control his temper, he hammered fewer and fewer nails on the back of the door. He discovered that it was easier to control his temper than hammering nails behind the door. The day arrived on which he was able to control his character the entire day.

"Despues de informar a su padre, este le sugirio que retirara un clavo cada dia que lograra controlar su caracter. Los dias pasaron y el joven pudo anunciar a su padre que no quedaban mas clavos para retirar de la puerta.

"After informing his father, the latter suggested that he got a nail off the door every day that went by with him controlling his character. The days went by and the youngster was able to inform his father that there were no more nails to be taken off the door.

"Su padre lo tomo de la mano y lo llevo hasta la puerta. Le dijo: 'Has trabajado duro, hijo mio, pero mira todos esos hoyos en la puerta... Nunca mas sera la misma. Cada vez que tu pierdes la paciencia, dejas cicatrices exactamente como las que aqui ves.'

"His father took hin by the hand, and led him to the door. He told him, "You have being working very hard, my son; but take a look at all those holes in the door... It will never be the same. Every time you loose your patience, you leave behind scars exactly the same as the ones you see here.'

Tu puedes insultar alguien y retirar lo dicho, pero del modo como se lo digas lo devastara, y la cicatriz perdurara para siempre. Una ofensa verbal es tan dañina como una ofensa fisica.

"You can call someone a name and, then, withdraw what you said; but the way you called him that name will devastate him, and the scar will always remain [while in this flesh].
A verbal offense is as hurtful [or more] as a physical one.

"Los [buenos] amigos son en verdad una joya rara. Ellos te hacen reir [y te hacen llorar], te apoyan y animan a que tengas exito. Ellos te prestan todo, comparten palabras de elogio [y correcion]; siempre quieren abrirnos sus corazones. Muestra [de una manera sana ]a tus amigos cuanto te importan."

Good friens are truly a rare jewel. They make you laugh [and cry], they support you and encourage you so that you succeed. They lend you everything, share with you words of praise [and correction]; they always want to open their hearts to us. Show [in a healthy way] your friends how much they mean to you."

--Edited and translated into English by DaySounds © 2001-2016

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Updated September 2016